Hematite Genuine Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolor
Hematite Genuine Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolor
Hematite is ground from a heavy silvery-black mineral rich in iron. In a thick wash, the heavier iron particles settle, creating bold granulation, in a thin wash, it is a soft dove gray. Hematite mixes beautifully with other colors adding its granulation and slightly neutralizing the mixed in color. One way to use Hematite Genuine is, with single brushstrokes, sketching in branches from thick to thin, the beautiful granulation automatically providing the texture of bark. Hematite or the traditional Greek name, Bloodstone – when you paint, you can almost feel the pounding of the battle drums as ancient warriors covered their bodies with Hematite in the belief that they would be protected from mortal wounds.
SKU: 284600156
Pigment: Genuine Hematite | Series: 3
Lightfastness: I – Excellent
Transparency: Semi-Transparent
Staining: 2-Low Staining
Granulation: Granulating