Stan Miller | Art Instructor
Instructor: Stan Miller
"Painting Animals" Another great Stan Miller joint. A 2-day workshop delving into the process for painting animals. How he can get a room full of animals to hold still long enough to paint....
Saturday, April 126th & Sunday, April 27th
10am - 5pm $150.00
Monday Int/Advanced:
Spring series starts on Monday, March 31st. 1-4pm $155.00
Sign ups start Wednesday, Feb 19
3 spaces left!
Wednesday Int/Advanced:
Spring series starts on Wednesday, April 9th. 1-4pm $155.00
Sign ups start Wednesday, Feb 19
Class is full
Tuesday Beginning/Int:
Starts Tuesday, April 1st. 6"30 - 9:00pm
Sign ups start Wednesday, Feb 19
I don't have a great flyer for this beginning class, but here are the details.
Classes run 6:30 - 9:00pm Tuesday evenings. This class is great for anyone wanting to start at the beginning. During the first session Stan will go over paper, paint, brushes and accessories and explain why each is important and why he suggests the supplies he does. The first few weeks you will paint with one tone (grey), and will add the primary colors, ever expanding on your painting ability.
For Stan, composition, tonality, movement and shapes can be as important if not more important than specific colors and how they get layered. This is an all-encompasing class to get you familier with the world or watercolor painting.
Approx. cost of supplies for this class is $100. We can always shave a few dollars off...of course we can always go crazy and add much more!
(4 tubes color, 3 brushes, 9x12 Arches pad and larger palette)
Artist Bio: When I was fifteen our family moved to Spokane, Washington, where I finished my high school education and graduated in 1967. I went on to college and graduated from Spokane Falls Community College in 1973, with an Applied Arts Degree and a Commercial Art Degree. Other than two years in Pennsylvania, I have continued to live in Spokane since my graduation from college.
I remember, when I must have been quite young, watching my older brother Greg draw. He was good. In the third grade our teacher taught us perspective, how to make a road go back and disappear into the mountains. I never forgot how to do that. When I was seven or eight years old, our family took a trip to Wisconsin to visit a friend of my Dad’s. He was a professional watercolorist. I remember the drive through the woods, walking up to his front door, through the entry, looking up at the walls as soon as I entered the house. I wanted to see his paintings. Randy Penner. I’ll never forget that name or that trip and the influence it had on me.